Troubleshooting and Solutions of Checkweigher Instruments


Troubleshooting and Solutions of Checkweigher Instruments

The checkweigher instrument can communicate and combine with multiple automatic checkweighers to realize the online work of multiple automatic checkweighers and meet the user's requirements for the detection of the net weight of packaging materials. The intuitive graphical interface display is convenient for users to operate. Rich data Statistics make it easy for users to find problems in the process. Close data analysis helps users to improve the packaging and filling process. The application range of automatic weight checkweighers. This product is suitable for weight detection of large weight and large volume items, especially Applicable to cases where the whole box is missing items. For example: missing bottles, boxes, bags, jars, etc.


one,Checkweigher MeterPossible reasons why the system interface display is always zero include:

1. If the object is light and its weight falls within the zero position range, it should be solved by resetting the "zero position range

2. The weighing device can recognize the zero point, which can be solved by adjusting the "Automatic Zero Point Tracking" item in the system options.

3. The sensor data line is loose and the contact is poor

Second, the data jitter is large, and the possibility of abnormal fluctuations are:

1. The screws on the base of the checkweigher instrument are loose

2. The load cell is obviously disturbed, such as air conditioning wind, airflow, etc.

3. Ground shaking and vibration, such as nearby machine rotation interference, cars passing by, etc.

4. The conveyor belt is affected by sticky objects.

5, the load cell base has debris accumulation or stuck

6. The filter coefficient is too small

3. Possible reasons for the touch screen display on the operation interface of the checkweigher instrument are:

1. Poor power contact

2. The fuse on the chassis is blown

3. The data cable is loose or falls off

4, abnormal data display:

1. The error of the checkweigher instrument is too large, and the weighing system needs to be re-calibrated

2. Wrong product model selection should be resolved by clicking "Switch Product" again and selecting the corresponding matching product number.

3. The ambient temperature exceeds the normal working range of the load cell

4. The sensing element of the checkweigher instrument is aging or deformed

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